for many months a small insect, a sort of pumpkin bug or stink bug, lived on a leaf of the basil plant which sits to the left of my monitor. i named him herbie. i adopted him. some thought he was dead but i knew he was hibernating. he did not move for months. i checked on him daily to make sure that his shell was still shiny, his antenae lithe and that his plant was well watered. and so it went for months. my constant companion, like his father, herbie dreamed of spring.
last week he started looking perky. then he moved off of his leaf and went MIA for a while. Yesterday, he was flying at breakneck speed through the house, so I let him out. in the spring, young bucks thoughts turn to young bugs. whazzat you say?! "it tarn't narry spring yet, O Mighty Kram, if I may be so bold". well grasshopper, trees are blooming, roses are blooming, bulbs are coming up and it's still raining like hell. those plants, those insects, they know what they're doing! so my son, herbie is all grown up now. he'll be missed.

I hate this stupid blogspace, it's designed for retardos (my audience?) and is not image friendly.
Oh god. Thank you so much for inviting me to see this. I would not have missed it for the world. Note to self: Link Kram tomorrow!
I've had the same issue with posting photos on this thing, it's annoying as heyall! What kills me is that you can't post your photos just anywhere you'd like, this makes captioning them really difficult. Oy!
Happy New Year to Opie, his pops and his adopted mommy, too! Those are some fingers, do you think he can hold a Rolleiflex?
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