Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

TU Opens for Tool!

A certain secret someone pulled some strings and got me and the Muse in to see our first Tool show here in Portland. Thank you-thank you-thank you!!!

I'll keep the review short as the pix are long.


10th row center thanks to my pal.
Sold out 13,000+ seater.
90% fans on feet the entire show.
TU played on stage with Tool on Lateralis!
Maynard gave major props to King Crimson.
There was a wall of subwoofers twenty feet long and five feet high.
I wore plugs and my head still rings.
I have it on good authority that they are louder than King Crimson (even in 2001).

Afterward, on the TriMet trip home we talked to some young Toolheads. I asked them if they liked any of the opening bands (there were two). "Well yeah, we liked TU!" They didn't know anything about King Crimson but fueled, no doubt, by Maynard's recommendation, they asked me what CD they should start with. As I was about to get off the train I said, "The Power to Believe. It's heavy. Play it loud. Real loud."

Here's Pat Mastelotto and Trey Gunn, TU, live at Memorial Coliseum Portland, OR, December 5, 2007.

Click on the images for larger versions.

Friday, November 30, 2007


It's nearly Kwaristmasukkah and we are think of giving, yes? Well I am.

As a full time artist, I make all my income from art (albeit sometimes commercial art). For a limited time I will be making my work available at affordable prices for the holidays.

My main body of work (WARNING: nudity!):

Abstractions inspired by King Crimson's The ConstruKction of Light (WARNING: intense color!):

Black and white cemetery work (WARNING: Warm Death!):

Finally, naked flowers:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

An Insiders Look at Kram's Tofurkey Paradise

What you see above is an actual shopping list from the Krammentolgy Kitchen AKA the Utility Tofurkey Research and Development Facility. The drawing is an original by Kram Himself! This rare and valuable personal glimpse into the daily life and eating habits of His Kramminess will go on aution sometime in the distant future.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Still On the Topside

Something to be thankful for, yes? These are some new images from my ongoing cemetery series.Where are all the Things these days?

All images were shot with a 1953 Rolleiflex camera and shot on traditional black and white film developed with love and nasty chemicals by Yours Truly.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Series

I've fallen in love with fallen leaves. Still learning how to format things here. They don't provide much space for images, do they?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Herro, My Nay eez Marco

I started here at blogger dot com so that I could repond to others blogs. Well now Robin Slick has gone and done it to me by posting something lovely that made my day.

So I shall blog! Contain yourselves, please form an orderly line to the left and don't shake my delicate yet svelte artistic hand too hard.

To understand me perhaps a look at my art would strip me bare to the world

My main body of work WARNING: tasteful yet sometimes disturbing nudity:

I like working with musicians:

Abstract work inspired by the music of King Crimson:

I fell in love with old film cameras, black and white film and the mysteries of cemeteries:

To cheer you up, some delicate colour and the savage dizzing beauty of the plant world:

That should hold you for a bit.

Stay tuned next time for : Lemons Can Make You Smell Fine, Tofu is Not For The Timid and MY oPossum is Red Hot Your oPossum Ain't Doodley Squat!